Sports - The Valley School
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One of our challenges has been to develop a physical education programme that is meaningful, demanding without placing an emphasis on competition. We are making an attempt to inculcate an awareness of body and a sense of well-being through a sports program that also includes yoga.

The Facilities

Sports and games facilities include

A football field

3 basket ball courts

A volleyball court

The Sports Program

Students enjoy playing major field games like basketball and football, as well as volleyball, kho-kho and table tennis. The games activities include regular physical fitness exercises as well as matches. The annual athletics meet provides a focus for the development of athletic prowess and talent. In addition to specialist teachers in Physical Education, we utilize the services of professional coaches for honing up the skills of children in specific games.

Though we do not take part in any organized competitive sports, plenty of challenge is provided through coaching camps and invitations to outside teams for matches in various games. We also send a few teams to other schools for playing friendly matches.

Teachers and students of Valley School speak about the Sports’ Program and explain to us how this program is conducted in such a way that students are able to find the balance between the competitive and participatory aspects of sports, and are able to play wholeheartedly, doing their best, whatever the outcome may be.