Art Village - The Valley School
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Art Village

The Confluence of Music, Art and Learning

J Krishnamurti with his insights in life started a few schools. The intention of the schools is to create a change in the mind-set of human beings and a change in the human psyche. To attempt this a child has to be brought up without coercion, fear, reward- punishment. It is in such an environment and in the midst of bountiful nature that human beings can understand freedom from fear, desire and ignorance.

To express the intent in the routine academics is a herculean task.  However, at the art-village under the blessings of the huge banyan tree, a space is for an individual to explore art and aesthetics. In this space is the secret of human freedom, a space to understand what is the uniqueness and naturalness of each human being.  There is no denial that the human body – especially the voice box and the fingers have a special role to play.

Without love there is no art. When the artist is playing beautifully there is no ‘me; there is love and beauty, and this is art. This is skill in action.
– J Krishnamurti
Activities at the Art Village


Painting is offered as a participatory activity as well as a subject for exams

Wood Work

Children learn to work with various kinds of wood including bamboo, sheesham and balsa.


Sculpting of stone, ceramics, metal, paper etc. is offered

Thread Work

Work is done on the big loom and small loom. Apart from this we even offer embroidery, macrame, etc.

Paper Crafts

Origami, paper mache, making of puppets etc.


Various forms of classical, folk and contemporary are offered


An integrating process of various art forms, languages, history, mythology, science and fiction.

Vocal Music

Classical music is offered as a participatory activity and also for examinations


A north Indian drum for solo and as an accompanying musical instrument.


A carnatic drum for solo and also as an accompanying musical instrument.


Offered as a participatory art from clay play to organized pots, sculptures etc..


Offered to the students who have completed learning the basics in pottery

The Art Village Program

We are keen to interact especially with the various forms of folk and tribal art still existing in the various parts of India.

We also are keen to welcome artists, artisans and art lovers from any corner of the world to interact, mingle and enrich the cultural dimension of the Valley. We also welcome all those who sensitively will share these facilities with us.

To facilitate the guest artists there are two special guest accommodations created. There is the beautiful banyan tree in the midst of wilderness and now the structures of the art-village merge in the ambience of nature.

The beauty of the structures is only to welcome meaningful and enriching interactions. It is also to become bridges in between the East and the West, the rural and the urban, the known and the unknown.You are welcome to learn with us, to participate in this process of enquiry through art into the silence, the sacred and the unknown.