Flora & Fauna

Any one who walks in to the Valley will surely be deeply struck by the natural beauty of the place – the tall trees, dense canopies, myriad of flowers, scent of medicinal herbs , carpets of fallen leaves, flowers, seeds and pods depending on the season.

The rich biodiversity of flora and fauna at the Valley has established their own silent and yet powerful rhythm ! One feels grateful to watch this magical symphony that changes tenor with grace and melody as seasons transit each year.
A large part of the land is still left untouched, especially around the water bodies. What was once a barren and degraded land has now become a hotspot of rich flora and evolving microhabitats. Many years of field studies and documentation by students, teachers, naturalists has established the fact that there are over 180 species of trees ( most of them being indigenous species ), a wide range of herbs and shrubs in addition to over 130 species of medicinal plants.