Excursions - The Valley School
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Field Trips and Excursions

Experiences to Cherish

Learning from outdoor experiences, interactions, exposure to various cultural, geographical ecosystems, appreciating the wonders of the earth are some of the prime objectives of the various field trips and excursions that children undertake during their schooling years.  The Junior School trips are often theme based, connecting to what they have in their curriculum – often based on studying elements of nature and engaging in activities close to nature, agriculture etc. In addition day long study trips are a frequent occurrence, to places in and around Bangalore.

Students in middle school go on weeklong excursions with varied objectives like exposure to various cultures, folklore, rural craft, outdoor and adventure activities etc. Their term also includes a number of short trips to museums, galleries, monuments etc.

High School trips are longer duration and involve travel to distant places within the country for a first hand experience of treks, studies of culture, heritage, wildlife, biodiversity, art and architecture, anthropology etc. Students of Class XI go on a two week trek in the Himalayan ranges every year.

A Teacher Speaks
“Learning from outdoor is a valuable experience. We feel that the field trips and excursions are very important through the school years and based…”